Hyattsville COVID-19 Vaccination Site Update 2021-02-01

The City of Hyattsville is in conversations with Prince George’s County Department of Health (PGHD), Luminis Health, and First United Methodist Church (FUMC) with the goal of establishing a local COVID vaccination site.  The site is expected to be located in Hyattsville at the FUMC Fellowship Hall.  The conversations are ongoing.  However, the current details are remain stable:

  1. Projected start date March 2021.
  2. Phased in capacity (based on vaccine availability) to administer 1500-2000 vaccines per day.
  3. Luminis Health will procure the vaccines and provide vaccination staff.
  4. Phased in operation hours building up to Mon- Sat 7AM – 7PM
  5. COVID testing operations will continue at present capacity.
  6. 2-3 days will be set aside initially for the Hyattsville community.

Stay tuned, more to come!  This update was publicly announced during the regularly scheduled Hyattsville City Council meeting of 02/01/2021.